book lover kkkkj

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We are building a reader-centric alternative to GoodReads. A refreshing new hub for your reading projects.

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Be daring in your life and in your reading.

I cannot live without books.

— Thomas Jefferson to John Adams

If you’re reading this, you and I are of the same kind - those who turn to books for acceptance, comfort and an opportunity to exercise free imagination. You have thousands of pages left unturned on your bookshelf, and chances are, your collection will have more friends to join them.

I started BukuTrotter after reading an article about an inspiring reading project and incredible feat by the creator of A Year of Reading the World blog by Ann Morgan. Her article rekindled my passion for reading and returned to the books which I have long abandoned.

Not long after I started my global reading project, another problem surfaced. As the list gets longer, I needed a way to organize my books and their associated countries. How many books have I read? How about a centralized location to archive notes for each book? Simplistically, I need a tool where I can list out the books I’ve read and want to read for a list of countries and get stats about the list so I can keep track of the progress of my reading project. And that’s why I’m starting BukuTrotter.

If you’re interested to start a goal-driven reading project, drop us your email to get on the β list!

— Alvenne Goh